Trans women in women's sport - 'stunning and brave' or a problem that needs addressing?
It was the straw that broke the camel’s back. I say straw, but I actually mean a 6ft former male rugby player now turning out for a...
The dishonest denial of privilege
Whenever some lefty working-class oik has the temerity to suggest that the UK is less socially fluid than a just society should be, they...
Sarah Montague's 'incandescent rage' and the BBC's bigger inequality problem
Imagine some of the things that might make you ‘incandescent with rage’. Getting evicted because you can’t pay the bills? Not being able...
When sport goes medieval
One of the best things about not working for the BBC any more is that I don’t have to pretend that sport is as important as death,...
Carragher and Twitter, where perspective went to die...
It is customary for journalists to shout at convicted murderers, as they are ushered out of court, ‘Do you have anything to say to the...

Love on the streets of Manchester
A woman clutching a pink rose and a man clutching joke books peer through the window of a jewellers in Manchester’s Northern Quarter. I...
Quitting seems to be the hardest word in boxing
Type ‘quit’ into Google and the first definition that pops up is this: ‘leave (a place), usually permanently.’ It’s not the definition...

Co-working in Morocco - right up my alley
I’m still not sure how I ended up co-working in an ex-hippy haunt in Morocco. One friend was more amused by the work aspect than the...
Moyes and the 'it was only a joke' defence
Imagine the portentous silence and pitying looks. You’ve been hauled in by the boss for threatening to slap a visitor to the office and...

A Kurdish soldier's bitter wait for sweet fruit
The chukar partridge is a plump little bird whose songs swing between dulcet and alarming. But for many Kurds, a partridge’s song is less...